Changing Destinations Fundraiser 2018
Changing Destinations: Journey to Excellence hosted our first annual awards ceremony and fundraising brunch in celebration of education leaders in Maryland who go above and beyond impacting youth in a positive way, especially in the areas of leadership development and global citizenship.

This year the marquee honoree was Doris Ligon, founder of the African Art Museum of Maryland (AAMM). From its founding in 1980 to today, Doris and the AAMM have challenged and changed the manner in which African art and culture have been perceived. The AAMM has conducted hundreds of presentations and installed exhibits in Howard County’s schools. These programs have excelled in popularity and resulted in requests for repeat visits and extended exhibitions.

In addition to Doris Ligon, Changing Destinations also honored youth participant Miles Jones of Hammond High School for his participation in the inaugural youth program and youth leader Vonshea Butler for her contribution to the college intern program. Other honorees include: Charles Sydnor, III, Melba Chaney, Kris Henning, and Frank Perkins for their tremendous leadership and financial support dedicated to improving the youth of Maryland. Charles E. Sydnor, III, a member of the House of Delegates for Baltimore County, was recognized for his key legal consultation in the formation of Changing Destinations as well as his service to the community. Melba Chaney, a retired United Methodist Church minister, was honored for her many contributions personally and professionally. Kris Henning, Associate Dean of Georgetown University School of Law, was honored for her financial support and opening new doors of leadership development for our youth. Lastly, Frank Perkins, a Retired NSA Security Advisor, was honored for his invaluable support of Changing Destinations’ summer development programs.

Special guests included Dawit Habte, author of Gratitude in Low Voices, along with Dr. Douthard R. Butler, Col., U.S. Army (Ret.), founder of the Cold War Musuem and Professor at George Mason University.
We are still accepting donations to prepare for the work we will do in 2018. Please make checks payable to Changing Destinations: Journey to Excellence, Inc. or make your payment online under the Giving link by selecting Friends of Changing Destinations.